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---Jemma Johnson Personal Page---

About Me

In 2006, I was born in Houston, TX. I moved around a lot since then, going to places like Austin, TX; and Aspen, CO. Ever since I was little, I have had a fascination with everything computer related. Throughout my life I have studied many concepts and laungages. When I was going to a small boarding school in texas, I started to learn a lot about CyberSecurity and started to paractice it. This lead to an even greater love for all things computers and ever since then I have spent most of my free time learning about computers. This mainly comes from textbooks and making programs but I have dabled in almost every area of computer enjineering. With my vast history involving computers, I am hoping to go into the field of CyberSecuity in my near future.


My main interest is obviously computer science, but my other interests include mountian biking and reading books by Tolkien. I started to get into mountain biking when I lived in Aspen. I started to bike just to get around town but I decided to start trying the trails nearby, so I got pretty good. When I was little, my dad would read "The Hobbit" to me. This started me on a path of getting deeper and deeper into the Tolien lore and now I have read all of the books he published and almost all of the history books published by his son.

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